Loupe Brainstorming Meeting of Designers, Makers and Kids at SFL
Workshop for improvements for the Loupe prior to trials at the Sofia National Museum of History

Time & Location
28 Oct 2014, 18:00 – 21:00
Sofia, g.k. Lozenets, bul. "Hristo Smirnenski" 1, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
About the event
An informal workshop with product designers, makers and kids was organised by DSLL in Smart Fab Lab to brainstorm how to improve the Loupe prior to the trials with school children at the National Museum of History in Sofia. Nine professional designers, architects and makers were invited to participate in the brainstorming of the Loupe. The aim of the gathering was to explain how the Loupe works and to demonstrate it. For this purpose, an initial Loupe prototype was made beforehand, based on the Loupe blueprint obtained from Waag.
Additionally, ideas how the Loupe’s design and functionality could be improved, and how to best use the Loupe in the experiments in NMH, were collected and brainstormed. The ideas were grouped in three categories:(a) ideas about improvements of the Loupe prototype(s);(b) ideas about enhancements of Content/Session/ Story/Route;(c) Trial/Usability Study related ideas.Feedback from all participants was recorded and some schemes and illustrations with ideas how to modify the Loupe were obtained.
Following the brainstorming meeting, most of these ideas were further analysed by DSLL and prioritised in terms of their merit but also in terms of the time needed to implement them. Some of the best ideas were actually implemented before the trial at NMH.