Waag Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September-December 2014​
Sofia, Amsterdam
The loupe is an interactive tool which allows museum visitors to explore artefacts and learn stories behind museum pieces and collections. Its first prototype (see https://vimeo.com/88233719) was developed by Waag Society for the meSch project (https://www.mesch-project.eu/). The meSch (Material EncouterS with digital Cultural Heritage) project explored new ways to let people hear the stories behind heritage objects directly and immediately, in this way enriching the experience of European cultural heritage.
In October and November 2014 Digital Spaces Living Lab (DSLL) improved the initial loupe prototype and tested it with school children at the National Museum of History (NMH) in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of a living lab validation trial, partly supported by the eCultValue project (https://ecultvalue.wordpress.com/).
Awards & Distinctions
DSLL won a pan-European Living Lab competition organised by the eCultValue project to test and improve the Loupe in Living Lab trials.

The Thracians – Warriors and Hunters Story composed by Albena Topalova (KidsLab@DSLL). Photos used in the Loupe story are from the NMH collections and from Bulgariana/Europeana.