Mosa-X team (Andrei Mirt, Mariana Sacco, Paulo Truta)​
2018 - 2019 ​
Bulgaria, Germany
Mosa-X: The crowd phone stunts app
Where does Mosa-X come from?
Mosa-X came to life during the ActInSpace Hackathon, Leiden, 2018. Andrei Mirt, the ideator, had taken part on a protest in which they made a card stunt of the country’s flag. Questioning the wasted paper and the difficulty to prepare the group on site the idea of a mobile application emerged. With the ambition of providing activists and event organizers the tool to display large images as a crowd, in a self-orienting and responsive system the first sketch of Mosa-X was then drawn.
​What is it all about?
Mosa-X is a novel approach for communication. Participants in any outdoor event have an easy to use tool that empower them to express what the group’s intentions and support are. A social service based on spatial technology that does not require training to use, time to plan or extra resources to develop!
How does it work?
An image is uploaded to Mosa-X’s website and sited on a desired location where the event will take place. An event tag is created, and it can be shared with anyone with an Android mobile that want to take part of the event. The event participants will have their screens with different colours that represent a pixel of the image and together they are able to create a big mosaic. The colours are given based on the user’s location and to triangulate the user location Mosa-X uses a combination of location services, including GNSS and Galileo.
Living Lab Trials
DSLL helped the Mosa-X team to develop the app and test in pre-trials in Sofia and then, together with Greenpeace Bulgaria at a major concert and event in Pernik, Bulgaria. From a rough webapp the team went to a native application for Android that needs to be put to test so they could validate that the concepts they had applied could generate the crowd images with good precision as was imagined and planned for. The event the formed ‘sun’ was recorder by drone and the videos and telemetry further analysed.