Kyrre Havik Eriksen (TagStory), Norway​
March-July 2015
Sofia, Oslo
Tag Story (http://tagstory.no/) is an interactive, social, mobile game that lets you experience the physical environment around you in a new and exciting way. It was created by Kyrre Havik Eriksen and colleagues from Oslo University developed as a global platform for interactive stories and games by a team of people in Oslo and in Sofia. The user can experience stories created for Tag Story in museums, cities, parks, mountains and other places around the world and make your own stories for others to play!
In June 2015 Digital Spaces Living Lab (DSLL) tested the Tag Story app with school children at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNHS) in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of a living lab validation trial, partly supported by the Galileo-EGNOS Prize Award Scheme (GEPAS). A story about biomimicry and its examples in NHMHS was created by Kamelia Miteva (BioGames) and Albena Topalova (KidsLab@DSLL).