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Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible Innovation (WEAR Sustain)​






WEAR Sustain was a 2 year a €3M project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation initiative to engage art, design and creative industries to work more closely with technology and engineering industries, to shift the development of the wearables and e-textile landscape towards a more sustainable and ethical approach. WEAR Sustain fostered crossdisciplinary, cross-sectoral collaboration through the co-design and co-development of ethical, critical and aesthetic wearable technologies and smart textiles. The main aim of the project was to develop a framework within which future prototypes could be made, to become examples of what the next generation of wearables, and e-textiles, could or should be.


DSLL was one of the key consortium partners in WEAR Sustain. Wear Sustain selected, funded and incubated 46 projects in two Open Calls (see final brochure). DSLL was the main living lab partner in WEAR Sustain and in charge of activities of the network in Central and Eastern Europe.

WEAR Sustain Overview

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